Presentació del llibre : “Paraules que tu entendràs” de Xavier Bosch

Xavier Bosch Escriptor
Anna Guitart Periodista
Susana Garachana Actriu
Lluís Villanueva Actor
Dilluns 30 de setembre de 2019, 19:30
Teatre Romea com arribar




“Paraules que tu entendràs”

Una novel·la que explora les relacions de parella ,els secrets de cadascú i l’ús que fem de la veritat. «A Paraules que tu entendràs  he volgut explorar les relacions de parella, els secrets de cadascú i l’ús que fem de la veritat per poder sobreviure».



Xerrada a càrrec de Xavier Bosch i Anna Guitart

Amb la col·laboració especial dels Actors:

Susanna Garachana i Lluís Villanueva




Tres parelles es disposen a celebrar el Cap d’Any en un hotel. La Mara, directora d’una agència de

viatges de luxe, és qui s’encarrega de cercar un indret amb encant que sorprengui els amics any

rere any. Aquest cop és als Alps suïssos, envoltats de muntanyes nevades, on la Mara i el Xavi, la

Biosca i el Darín i l’Andreu i la Joana, entre els quaranta i pocs i la cinquantena llarga, sopen

plegats vestits d’etiqueta. Tots sis riuen, juguen i són feliços, però res no és mai el que sembla.

L’any que enceten pot canviar-ho tot.

Després d’unes quantes copes, el Darín, periodista i escriptor, reparteix un regal a cadascú: un

retrat sincer de mil paraules que ens presenta, un per un, els personatges principals de la novel·la.

Més tard sonaran les campanades i començarà l’hora de les confidències i el perillós joc de les



Embrace Your True Self: The Best FTM Dating Sites

Are you a transgender man looking for love and connection? Navigating the dating world can be challenging, especially for those who identify as FTM (female-to-male). Thankfully, the digital age has provided a platform for FTM individuals to embrace their true selves and find meaningful relationships. In this article, we will explore the best FTM dating sites that cater specifically to transgender men, offering a safe and inclusive space to connect with like-minded individuals.

From mainstream dating sites to platforms designed exclusively for the transgender community, there are a plethora of options available. We will delve into the features and benefits of each site, considering factors such as user base, privacy measures, and success stories. Whether you’re seeking casual dating, a long-term relationship, or simply looking to expand your social circle, these FTM dating sites can help you navigate the dating world with confidence. So, if you’re ready to find love and embrace your true self, keep reading to discover the best FTM dating sites that can transform your dating experience.

Understanding the FTM Experience: Navigating the Challenges of Dating as a Transgender Man

FTM dating sites provide a safe and supportive platform for transgender men to connect with like-minded individuals. These sites understand the unique challenges faced by FTM individuals and aim to create a welcoming space where they can embrace their true selves. Whether you are looking for friendship, companionship, or a romantic relationship, these dating sites cater specifically to the needs of FTM individuals.

One of the best FTM dating sites is This site offers a secure and inclusive environment for trans men to meet and interact with other singles. With a large user base and various features such as chat rooms and private messaging, allows FTM individuals to explore their dating options and connect with potential partners who understand and appreciate their journey.

Another popular FTM dating site is This site is dedicated solely to FTM individuals and provides a platform for them to find meaningful connections. offers a user-friendly interface and advanced search options, making it easier for trans men to find compatible matches. With a focus on inclusivity and understanding, this site encourages its members to embrace their true selves and find love and acceptance within the FTM community.

In conclusion, FTM dating sites play a crucial role in providing a supportive and understanding space for transgender men to connect with others. These sites allow FTM individuals to embrace their true selves and find companionship, friendship, or love. With their inclusive features and user-friendly interfaces, these dating sites cater specifically to the needs of the FTM community, making it easier for them to navigate the world of online dating and find meaningful connections.

Finding a Safe Space: Exploring FTM-Friendly Dating Platforms

Embrace Your True Self: The Best FTM Dating Sites

For transgender men looking for love and companionship, navigating the dating world can be challenging. However, there are online platforms specifically designed to cater to the needs of FTM individuals. These dating sites provide a safe and inclusive space where FTM individuals can connect with like-minded people who understand and appreciate their journey. In this article, we will explore some of the best FTM dating sites available, offering a wide range of features and opportunities for meaningful connections.

1. TransgenderDate: TransgenderDate is a reputable FTM dating site that has been around since 2007. It offers a user-friendly interface and a diverse community of individuals looking for genuine connections. The site allows members to create detailed profiles, browse through potential matches, and engage in private messaging. TransgenderDate also offers forums and chat rooms where users can connect with others and seek advice or support.

2. FTM Relationship: FTM Relationship is a platform dedicated to helping FTM singles find meaningful relationships. The site offers a simple and straightforward registration process, allowing users to quickly create their profiles and start searching for potential matches. FTM Relationship emphasizes the importance of building genuine connections and provides a safe space for individuals to express themselves authentically.

3. TransSingle: TransSingle is a popular FTM dating site known for its extensive user base and advanced search features. The site offers various communication tools, including instant messaging and video chat, to facilitate meaningful interactions between members. TransSingle also provides resources and support for FTM individuals, including articles and forums where users can discuss relevant topics and share their experiences.

Building Authentic Connections: Connecting with Like-Minded Individuals on FTM Dating Sites

Embrace Your True Self: The Best FTM Dating Sites

For transgender individuals who identify as female-to-male (FTM), finding a supportive and inclusive dating platform can be a challenge. However, there are several FTM dating sites that provide a safe and welcoming space for FTM individuals to connect with like-minded people. These sites not only offer a platform for dating but also serve as a community where individuals can share their experiences, seek advice, and build meaningful relationships.

One of the top FTM dating sites is Transgender Date. This site is dedicated to helping FTM individuals find love and companionship. With a user-friendly interface and advanced search filters, Transgender Date allows users to customize their dating preferences and connect with potential matches who understand and appreciate their true identity. Another popular FTM dating site is FTM Relationship. This platform focuses on fostering long-term relationships and offers a range of features, including private messaging, forums, and a supportive community of individuals who share similar experiences.

Empowering Self-Expression: Embracing Your True Identity in the Online Dating World

When it comes to dating as a transgender individual, it’s important to find a platform that understands and supports your unique journey. For female-to-male (FTM) transgender individuals, there are several dating sites specifically designed to cater to their needs. These sites provide a safe and inclusive space for FTM individuals to connect with like-minded individuals who embrace their true selves.

One popular FTM dating site is TransgenderDate. This site offers a welcoming and supportive community for FTM individuals looking for meaningful connections. With a user-friendly interface and a range of features such as private messaging and forums, TransgenderDate allows users to explore their dating options while feeling comfortable and respected.

Another great option for FTM individuals is FTM Personals. This site is dedicated to helping FTM individuals find love and companionship. FTM Personals offers a simple and straightforward platform where users can create a profile, search for potential matches, and connect with others who share similar experiences and interests. Whether you’re looking for friendship, romance, or something more serious, FTM Personals provides a space to embrace your true self and find meaningful connections.

Overcoming Stigma and Discrimination: Creating Inclusive Spaces for FTM Dating

Embrace Your True Self: The Best FTM Dating Sites

For transgender men looking to find love and companionship, the online dating world can be a valuable resource. FTM dating sites provide a safe and inclusive space for individuals to connect with like-minded people who understand and appreciate their journey. These platforms offer a supportive community where transgender men can embrace their true selves and explore meaningful relationships.

One of the top FTM dating sites is This site caters specifically to transgender individuals and offers a wide range of features to enhance the dating experience. With a user-friendly interface and advanced search options, allows users to find compatible matches based on their preferences and interests. The site also includes forums and chat rooms where members can engage in discussions and connect with others in the community.

Another popular FTM dating site is FTM Lover. This platform is designed exclusively for transgender men and their admirers. FTM Lover offers a simple and straightforward interface, making it easy for users to navigate and find potential matches. The site emphasizes privacy and security, ensuring a safe environment for all members. With its large user base and active community, FTM Lover provides ample opportunities for transgender men to meet and connect with like-minded individuals.

Lastly, is a reputable FTM dating site that has been serving the transgender community for years. The site boasts a diverse user base and offers a range of features to enhance the dating experience. From advanced search filters to private messaging, allows transgender men to connect with others who share similar interests and goals. The site also provides informative resources and articles to support individuals on their journey towards self-discovery and love.

Embracing your true self is a journey that can be both empowering and challenging, especially when it comes to finding love and connection. Thankfully, the world of online dating has expanded to cater to the unique needs of the FTM community. Whether you’re seeking meaningful relationships, casual connections, or simply a place to share your experiences, the best FTM dating sites offer a safe and inclusive space for transgender individuals to explore and connect with like-minded individuals. From comprehensive profile options to advanced search filters, these platforms provide the tools to navigate the dating landscape with confidence and authenticity. So, don’t hesitate to embrace your true self and dive into the exciting world of FTM dating, where acceptance and connection are just a click away.